The Role of Local Management in the Economic Development of Ecotourism-Potential Regions (Case Study: Barghan Dehestan, Savojbolagh County)

Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD student in Tourism Management, Tourism Management Department, Faculty of Management and Accounting, Allameh Tabataba'i University, Tehran, Iran

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Forestry in Dry Areas, Faculty of Desertology, Semnan University, Iran

3 Associate Professor, Department Of Tourism Management , Faculty of Tourism, Semnan University, Iran


Ecotourism and sustainable rural development approaches are closely related; Because you can make optimal use of nature (the relationship between man and the environment) and make the economy flourish, and you can also try to preserve and maintain natural resources. Therefore, one of the dimensions in which rural managers can play a greater role is to help the development in its economic dimension in areas with ecotourism capacity in rural areas according to their duties and responsibilities in the field of economic development and tourism in rural areas. Berghan Dehestan as an area derived from the potential of nature tourism has positive characteristics and in the past years, it has gone in the direction that most of the tourism is destroying the nature of the village rather than the economic development of the village. Local administrators can play a double role as leaders of the rural community. For this purpose, this research seeks to analyze the role of local administrators (Islamic councils and village councils) in the economic development of ecotourism-based areas in Berghan Dehestan of Savjbalag county. Data and information were collected in both document and field form (questionnaire). The statistical population was the villagers of five villages (Aghasht, Berghan, Wardeh, Sarheh, Sanj) in Berghan Dehestan and 318 people were selected as a sample using Cochran's formula and stratified probability sampling method. SPSS software and single-sample T-tests, Pearson correlation and linear regression were used for data analysis. The results of the research in the investigated villages showed that there is a positive and significant relationship between local management (the role of the decisions of the Dehestan Islamic Council) and (the role of the practical measures of village assistance) with economic development.


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