Peer Review Process

Peer review is the critical assessment of manuscripts submitted to journals by experts who are usually not part of the editorial staff. Because unbiased, independent, critical assessment is an intrinsic part of all scholarly work, including scientific research, peer review is an important extension of the scientific process. Peer review is intended to improve the accuracy, clarity, and completeness of published manuscripts and to help Editors decide which manuscripts to publish. Peer review does not guarantee manuscript quality and does not reliably detect scientific misconduct. Peer reviewers advise editors on how a manuscript might be improved and on its priority for publication in that journal. Editors decide whether and under which conditions manuscripts are accepted for publication, assisted by reviewers’ advice. Editors of peer-reviewed journals need not send all submitted manuscripts out for review. Manuscripts that seem unlikely to be published in that journal may be returned to authors without external review, to allow authors to submit the manuscript to another journal without delay and to make efficient use of reviewers’ and editors’ time. Editors should also periodically publish statistics describing their journal’s review process, such as number of manuscripts submitted, acceptance rate, and average time from manuscript submission to rejection letter to authors and, for accepted manuscripts, time to publication.

Journal of Village and space sustainable development (VSSD) accept submission via its online submission system. The submitted manuscript must be accompanied with a cover letter in which the authors should state why the manuscript should be considered, evaluate on any issues relating to the VSSD editorial policies and declare if they have any competing interests. The authors of received manuscripts are also asked to submit a copyright declaration of competing interests as part of their manuscript.

Article submitted to the Journal is sent out to peer reviewers, although submissions that are out of the scope for the Journal or are of an unacceptably low standard may be rejected without review. Potentially suitable manuscripts will generally be reviewed by three experts in the field with the aim of reaching a first decision as soon as possible. Specialist statistical advisers are used when necessary to ensure that the statistical reasoning in manuscripts is sound. Reviewers are asked to declare their conflict of interest, if any.

Notice: There is no article processing charges (APCs) for reviewing the articles. However, there is a cost (5,000,000 IR RIALs) for accepted articles to publish, which is asked after the reviewing process and before publishing.

Editorial decisions are made based on the manuscript’s validity and coherence, as judged by the peer reviewers. In addition to their comments for the authors, reviewers are asked whether the research is sound and coherent, the topic interesting and the writing of an acceptable quality. Where possible, the final decision is made on the basis that peer reviewers are in accordance with one another, or that at least there is no strong dissenting view. In cases where there is strong disagreement, either among the peer review or between the authors and the peer reviewers, advice is sought from an editorial board member or a researcher of similar standing.  


Article Submission Process:

  • Preparing the article based on the specific guidelines provided in the author instructions
  • Submitting the article through the system, including complete author details, phone number, and email address
  • Designating one of the authors as the corresponding author for the journal
  • Initial review of the article by the journal's subject editor to determine if it is suitable for initial acceptance, or requires formatting revisions before proceeding to peer review, or is rejected at this stage and archived
  • If the article is approved by the journal management, it is sent to relevant and trusted peer reviewers through the system
  • If the peer reviewers approve the article and provide feedback on necessary revisions, the article is sent back to the author(s) for addressing the requested changes
  • A second round of peer review is conducted to verify the revisions made by the author(s)
  • The article is reviewed by the editorial board for final approval or rejection
  • If approved for publication, the author is required to pay the review and publication fees
  • The corresponding author addresses any remaining editorial issues or errors
  • The accepted article is scheduled for publication based on the journal's discretion
  • Publication of the Accepted Article