Rural municipalities and space sustainable development; Central District of Qaenat County

Document Type : Original Article


1 Associate professor, Department of Geography, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, University of Birjand, Birjand, Iran

2 Master of Geography and Rural planing, Department of Geography, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, University of Birjand, Birjand, Iran


Rural municipalities play an essential role in managing and developing the country's rural regions. Evaluation of their performance is necessary, especially in newly established villages, to address limitations in tasks such as financial resources and public participation. However, there has been no evaluation of the performance of rural municipalities in the county. This study aims to analyze the performance of rural municipalities in the economic, social, physical, and environmental development of villages in the central part of Qaenat County.
Research Methodology
The research is applied in terms of purpose and uses a descriptive survey approach. The required data was collected using a documentary and survey method. The data was obtained through a questionnaire and conversations with the residents and villagers. The total number of villages with inhabitants in the county was 114 settlements, and the sample size for the research was 370 people. The sampling method was simple and random. The collected data from questioning was analyzed using binomial statistical test, and Pearson correlation coefficient was used for the relationship between research variables.
Finding and Results
The study found that rural municipalities were most active in efforts to increase the quantity and quality of the products of the villagers in the economic dimension (average 3/27). In the socio-cultural dimension, their focus was on helping to resolve people's disputes in the rural regions, preventing the referral of claims, to legal authorities (average 3/51). In the physical dimension, rural municipalities focused on announcing government decrees and laws, especially rural conductor design to the people (average 3/19).In the environmental dimension, the focus was on the establishment and organization of cemeteries and the arrangement of their affairs ( average 3/25).The study also revealed that rural municipalities had a better performance with a score of 652/92 in the development of the socio-cultural dimension compared to the economic, environmental, and physical dimensions. In the field of economic development, the village of Keli (score 65/12) has the best performance and the village of Tejrek (score 29/19) has the weakest performance, in the social-cultural development the village of Esfashad (score 73/07) has the best performance and the village of Sarsaran (score 19/44) the weakest performance, in the field of physical development, the ​​Noghab Pescoh village (score 48/56) the best performance and rural development of Tejrek village (score 22/78) the weakest performance and in the field of environmental development is the rural development of Surg village (score 40/18) ) had the best performance and the villagers of Shendan village (score 24/12) had the weakest performance. In terms of the total score of the four dimensions, the rural municipalities the three villages of Noghabe Pescoh, Keli and Esfashad had the best performance, and the rural municipalities of the three villages of Tejrek, Sarsaran and Kalate Saeed had the weakest performance.
Discussion & Conclusion
The evaluation of the performance of the rural municipalities showed that they had a more appropriate performance in the social and cultural components compared to the economic, environmental, and physical components. The internal correlation analysis showed that all the research variables have a significant and positive relationship with each other and the performance of the rural municipalities in each component affects the other components.


Main Subjects