Providing a model for business in the development of rural electronic tourism industry in the villages of Kermanshah province

Document Type : Original Article


1 Ph.D Student of entrepreneurship, Department of Management and Entrepreneurship, Faculty of social, Razi University, Kermanshah, Iran.

2 Department of Management, Faculty of Management and Accounting, Razi University, Javanroud, Iran.


The main goal of the research is to Providie a model for business in the development of the rural electronic tourism industry in the villages of Kermanshah province, which was carried out using the Foundation's data method. The data collection tool was semi-structured interview and the research participants were professors of business management, entrepreneurship, tourism industry managers, managers of information and communication technology and rural cooperatives of Kermanshah province. Sampling method was done purposefully and with theoretical saturation method and 15 people were selected as a sample. The selection was carried out according to the snowball until theoretical saturation was reached. The method of data analysis was analyzed in the form of open, central and selective coding along with their requirements. In this research, in order to ensure the validity and reliability of the interview questions, the member matching method and intra-subject agreement method were used. Effective factors in designing a business model in the development of the rural electronic tourism industry include economic and socio-cultural, infrastructure, government support, electronic research and development, competitive advantage, governing laws and regulations, individual factors, institutional factors, environmental factors, Business in the development of electronic tourism industry is a new technology. These cases were planned and modeled in an interwoven pattern of causal factors, background and context, intervening factors, and central factors. Specifically, the current research suggests this model as a guide for the formation of electronic tourism businesses in the village. Considering the mutual and multiple benefits of e-tourism development, specifically in rural areas, the findings of this research can be of interest to policy makers and decision makers in related sectors (such as tourism, municipality, etc.) as well as those involved in the matter.


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