Analysis and Explanation of Olive Product Marketing Networks in Rural Areas of Tarom County

Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD student, Department of Geography and Rural Planning, Faculty of Geographical Sciences, Kharazmi University, Tehran, Iran

2 Associate Professor, Department of Geography and Rural Planning, Faculty of Geographical Sciences, kharazmi University, Tehran, Iran

3 Professor, Department of Geography and Rural Planning, Faculty of Geographical Sciences, Kharazmi University, Tehran, Iran


Marketing of agricultural products is one of the methods of accelerating the development and progress of villages, which increases the income, well-being and quality of life of rural households. In this regard, Tarom County is also the largest producer of olives, most of its producers operate in rural areas, but the insufficiency in the olive product market has caused low profits for its producers. Considering the importance of the marketing issue and the fact that determining the specific policies of that region is important for the development of agriculture, the research analyzed and explained the olive product marketing networks in Tarom County. The research was descriptive and analytical in terms of qualitative and quantitative nature. The data collection method was a targeted interview (Theoretical saturation in terms of answers) and a questionnaire. The selection of rural areas based on 3 criteria (15 villages) and based on the Cokhran formula included 236 beneficiaries. Based on the results of the research, the marketing and transfer routes of the olive product are not efficient and have little profit for the olive producer. Meanwhile, there are hidden and obvious factors for this inefficiency, which is the stability of the income and olive production of the operators in the group of fixing and correcting these factors. The farm factor has been the most influential factor in the olive product marketing network. Among the desired components, the component of wholesale-retail price and product buyers, buyers' demand and product production costs had the highest average. Therefore, regarding the management and improvement of the olive product market, the mentioned criteria will be the way to increase the yield of the olive product.
