The optimal model of acceptance and success of rural development plans (Case Study: PTD plan in Savadkooh North and Qaemshahr)

Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD. student in the Department of Geography and Rural Planning, Faculty of Geography, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran

2 Associate Professor, Department of Geography and Rural Planning, University of Tehran and Member of the Center for Rural Studies and Planning, Tehran, Iran

3 Master of Geography and Land Management Planning, Faculty of Geography, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran


To Correct understanding from how to diffusion innovations to have in society, its necessary Correct understanding from the process of accepting them; Why so People in the process they learn from each other and affect each other. Also Participatory Technology Development (PTD) allows farmers learn and choose what is needed. According to this, present study with the goal designing an optimal model for accepting rural development plans, has decided the role of effective components -assuming that the main elements are the acceptance system- to study. This research in terms of nature descriptive-analytical and it is practical in terms of purpose. Its statistical population consists of two villages, Raeis-Kola and Dashtian. Information is collected in two ways: field and library and after determining the validity and reliability, have been analyzed using SPSS software. The results indicate that the optimal acceptance pattern includes elements such as: Technology/ design characteristics, local community characteristics, acceptor characteristics, promoter characteristics, performance of national and local managers and also impact of the plan to spread acceptance. To measure the significance of the results, One-sample t-test was used that the effectiveness of all factors except the performance of national and local managers, was confirmed.
