Analysis of the influencing factors on the annexation of Tabriz metropolitan area rurales (Study Case: Aji Chai rural district rurales)

Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD student of Geography and Urban Planning, Department of Geography and Urban Planning, Tabriz Branch, Islamic Azad University. Tabriz, Iran

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Geography and Urban Planning, Tabriz Branch, Islamic Azad University. Tabriz, Iran


The dispersed growth of the metropolis has caused that the towns around the metropolis are exposed to development and annexed to the cities. With the annexation of towns and cities, spatial relations have become complicated and suffered severe changes in terms of physical, economic, sociocultural and environmental aspects, and the metropolis of Tabriz is no exception to this rule. Por tanto, the main objective of the investigation is to identify and analyze the factors that affect the annexation of nearby towns in the metropolis of Tabriz. In this research, a descriptive-exploratory method and questionnaire survey were used. The statistical population of the research, urban and rural experts and specialists, selected 30 people. For data analysis, the method of structural equations was used using spss and Amos software. The results identified three latent exogenous constructs, namely, "internal factors", "adjacency to the metropolis" and "external factors", which show the main aspects of the integration of villages in the metropolis, among which are proximity factors a las metropolis tienen los mayores cargando con (γ=0,89). This study determined that parameters like economic factors, physical characteristics and sociocultural have the major impact in the neighborhood with the metropolis in terms of annexation of towns to the metropolis. The minor impact is related to internal factors in the villages. From the point of view of the experts, economic factors are effective in the annexation of towns to the city and make low-income people emigrate from different parts of the city to these parts and integrate these parts to the city. Por tanto, it seems that organizing the annexation of towns to the city can have a positive effect on the expansion and development of the metropolis of Tabriz


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