Web-Based Spatial Decision Support System: An Approach to Monitoring and Evaluating Natural Disasters in Rural Settlements of Iran


1 Assistant Professor, Director of the Hydrological Hazards Research Group, Faculty Member of the Natural Disasters Research Institute, Tehran, Iran

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Urban Development, Pardis Branch, Islamic Azad University, Pardis, Tehran, Iran


Mitigating the impacts and damages resulting from natural disasters necessitates a cohesive plan and the elucidation of appropriate strategies for assessing vulnerability and managing risks. This complex management process requires information to support decision-making effectively. Our country has witnessed substantial social and economic damages from natural disasters over the past decades, especially earthquakes and floods. Given the inevitability of such hazards, establishing a specialized information bank for crisis management and access to a comprehensive information management system are crucial for documentation, cause analysis, and the development of necessary technical criteria, standards, and instructions to reduce damages effectively. In this regard, this paper initially outlines the execution process of the national plan for identifying, prioritizing, and taking action in villages at risk of natural disasters. Subsequently, the design and implementation of a spatial information system for monitoring and evaluating rural and urban settlements at risk are elucidated. This system aims to collect and record existing information, analyze and update it, and enhance the speed and accuracy of management decisions before, during, and after a crisis. To evaluate its performance and highlight its capabilities, the results of the June 1402 flood survey in Majidlo village, Germy, Ardabil province, are compared with the findings of the village risk identification plan in the spatial information system. Finally, considering the system's role as a decision support system in crisis management, relevant development proposals are presented.


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