Prioritizing Seismic Vulnerability in Rural Districts of Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari Province for Rural Construction Resilience Programs

Document Type : Original Article


1 Instructor of Seismology Engineering & Risk Department, Road, Housing and Urban Development Research Center, Tehran, Iran

2 Assistant Professor of Seismology Engineering & Risk Department, Road, Housing and Urban Development Research Center, Tehran, Iran


Enhancing the resilience of rural constructions is crucial for mitigating seismic risks. The seismicity across different regions of the country varies based on vulnerability levels, geographical locations, and geological factors. Rural areas, due to distinctive characteristics such as geographical positioning, limited economic and social resources, and increased susceptibility of structures during crises, especially earthquakes, face higher vulnerability. Identifying the vulnerability of rural regions, considering diverse seismic indicators, facilitates targeted and sustainable development-oriented rural construction resilience programs. This study aims to prioritize the rural districts of Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari Province based on seismic indicators, specifically the Design Base Acceleration, to optimize retrofitting initiatives. The research employs an analytical approach grounded in various seismic indices, providing practical results applicable to other regions. Data analysis is conducted within the ARCGIS software environment. The rural districts of Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari Province are assessed using five indicators: distance from faults, fault density, density of small, medium, and large earthquakes, distance from significant earthquakes, and Design Base Acceleration. The obtained results are used to generate zoning maps for each seismic index, aiding in the planning of rural construction retrofitting programs. Based on the Design Base Acceleration, the rural districts of Lar, Hore, Murghmalek, Zayandeh Rood, Vardanjan, Barez, and Saman are identified as the first priority for rural construction resilience programs.


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