Analysis of the Role of Imam Ali (AS) Charity Institution in the economic-social Development of rural areas in Qaenat County

Document Type : Original Article


Associate Professor, Department of Geography, Faculty of Literature, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran


Rural areas are important as a large part of the country's social and economic system. Nevertheless, villages face many development challenges and require comprehensive development planning from the officials and those involved in village management and policy makers. But it should be noted that along with the government's role and efforts for development measures in villages, non-governmental organizations can also act as an effective arm in this field alongside the government. Based on this, charitable institutions can play an effective role in deprived areas and villages far from the center. In this regard, the present study analyzes the role of Imam Ali (AS) charitable institution in the economic-social development of the rural areas of Qaenat County in the form of indicators and variables to measure the activities of the said institution in 5 villages covered by Imam Ali (AS) charity in the County. Qaenat has investigated among 319 heads of households using a questionnaire tool, which, due to the small number of the statistical population, is a full-count sampling. The findings of the research show that this institution has paid the most attention to the index of increasing household jobs with a value of 3.37 and the least attention to the increase of investment motivation with an average of  2.77 among the indicators of the economic dimension, and also the most attention to the social dimension - Cultural has had the least attention in the index of encouragement to continue education with an average of 4.97 and in the index of holding national-religious ceremonies with an average of 3.33. In general, it can be said that according to the results of the exemplary T-Tech exam, the activities of this charitable institution have had a great positive impact on the physical, social-cultural and health aspects of the patients in the studied villages. For this purpose, it has been able to have a favorable effect on the satisfaction of clients. But on the other hand, it has performed very poorly in terms of economy and entrepreneurship, which has led to the dissatisfaction of the people, especially the youth, in the village environment.


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