the role of social capital in the functions of rural production cooperative of Negin-e-Sabz in choram county

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professors of Agricultural Extension and Education, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Birjand, Birjand, Iran

2 Assistant Professors of Agricultural Economucs, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Birjand, Birjand, Iran

3 Graduated student of rural development, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Birjand, Birjand, Iran


Rural Production cooperative in the rural community plays an important role in the reproduction of the benefits of the agricultural sector. Improving human participation, reduce risk and cost of public investment in the production. Playing such a role requires attention to a variety of capitals in the Production cooperatives. Since production cooperatives are the places to be filled with the spirit of harmony unity, trust and partnership, attention to social is very important. Purpose of study was Studying the role of social capital in the functions of rural production cooperative of Negin-e-Sabz Choram county. The population was 650 members the sampling method was proportional random sampling the validity of questionnaire was achieved by a panel of experts and its reliability assessed by using Cranach’s alpha coefficient. The result of stepwise regression analysis indicated that participation, awareness and trust 40.2 percent of functions of rural production cooperative. To improve performance of rural production cooperative, attention .to component of social capital is suggested.


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