Urban-Rural Relations Evolution in the Central District of Dargaz County

Document Type : Original Article


1 Master's degree, Department of Human Geography, Faculty of Earth Sciences, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran

2 Professor, Department of Human Geography, Faculty of Earth Sciences, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran


The dynamics and patterns of urban-rural relations significantly shape the formation, growth, and development of rural habitats, influencing their structure and functionality. Recognizing the crucial role of these relations in the transformation and development processes of urban and rural centers, this study delves into various types and reasons for these relations, while exploring their economic, socio-cultural, and spatial-physical effects and consequences on both urban and rural domains. The research aims to mitigate the adverse impacts of these relations and contribute to the systematic organization of urban and rural areas, fostering the grounds for sustainable development. This study specifically focuses on investigating the social, economic, and physical shifts induced by urban-rural relations between Dargaz city and rural settlements in the central district of Dargaz. The research employs a descriptive-analytical methodology, and the statistical population encompasses households residing in villages within the central part of Dargaz city. The research methodology combines documentary (library) and survey studies (questionnaire) with a comprehensive evaluation of 37 items across three key components: social, economic, and physical. Following a thorough review of literature and theoretical foundations, the study identifies crucial components and factors influencing city-village relations. These components are then utilized in crafting field data collection instruments. The statistical population comprises 237 residents from 22 villages in the central district of Dargaz, selected through a random sampling method. The findings reveal significant transformations in rural land and housing prices, limited agricultural land sizes, inadequate health services in villages, and a pronounced dependence of rural settlements on the city of Dargaz.


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