Analysis of Key Drivers Affecting the Supervision of Rural Mayors Over Rural Construction from the Perspective of Futures Studies: A Case Study of Tuyserkan County

Document Type : Original Article


1 Professor in Department of Human Geography and Spatial Planning, Faculty of Earth Sciences, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran

2 M.A, Department of Human Geography and Spatial Planning, Faculty of Earth Sciences, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran


The role of rural mayors, as village managers, in rural construction and physical development is one of the most important issues that may cause irreparable damage to rural plans if it is ignored. Therefore, paying attention to rural municipalities and their role in achieving the physical goals of rural areas is of great importance. This study tried to play a role in rural development by identifying the key drivers affecting the supervision of rural mayors over rural construction. The research is an applied, descriptive-analytical one. The statistical population of the study was the villages having 5th and 6th class rural municipalities in Tuyserkan County, which amounted to 16 villages. In order to identify the key drivers affecting the supervision of rural mayors over rural construction in future (the next ten years), 25 questionnaires were completed by experts of Governor’s Office, experts District Governor’s Office, and Housing Foundation as well as rural mayors and analyzed using MICMAC cross-impact matrix. The results showed that due to the high score of direct and indirect effect, 13 factors, classified under 6 main groups, were identified as key drivers influencing the supervision of rural mayors over rural construction over 2031 horizon in Tuyserkan County. The most important factors included observance of public rights in construction, observance of energy efficiency and infrastructure, attention to specialization and architecture in construction, and attention to the process of obtaining construction permit. In order to improve the supervision of rural mayors over rural construction, the following activities are suggested: providing information about construction laws, training rural mayors, implementing appropriate laws, and asking local experts to help rural mayors.


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