Analysis of physical resilience of rural settlements against floods (Case study: Bagheran Dehestan in Birjand County)

Document Type : Original Article


1 M. A student, Department of Human Geography, Faculty of Geographical Sciences, Kharazmi University, Tehran, Iran

2 Associate Professor, Department of Human Geography, Faculty of Geographical Sciences, Kharazmi University, Tehran, Iran

3 M.A of Urban Planning, School of Urban Planning, College of Fine Arts, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran


Flood is one of the most important natural disasters in rural areas of Iran. Iran is known as a country with many risks due to the diversity of natural and human disasters, so that out of 40 known disasters, more than 30 natural disasters occur in Iran on a global scale. Also, in rural areas of Iran, the conditions are such that they face drought at the same time as floods. The present study deals with the issue of flood resilience of rural settlements with emphasis on physical dimensions. Since South Khorasan province and especially Birjand city and surrounding areas are among the important flood-prone areas of Iran, zoning of hazards and physical resilience of rural areas against floods is important. The purpose of this study is to determine the degree of flooding and the physical resilience of villages around the city of Birjand against floods. The research method is descriptive-analytical and the statistical population of the study is the villages of Bagheran rural district in the southern part of Birjand city and the foothills of Bagheran mountain range which includes 249 villages, 9042 households and 344071 people. For this purpose, the research sample population included the villages of Glian, Rakat Sofla, Gyuk Sofla, Nokand and Zini, which have a total of 160 families and 465 people. Formal data and field studies have been used to collect information. In the field studies, physical surveys were conducted from rural settlements and in addition, 28 experts in rural studies were interviewed. The results show that the northern slope of Bagheran mountain range has a high intensity of flooding. Then 2 villages of Nokand and Rakat Sofla with low flooding intensity and 3 villages of Glian, Gyuk Sofla and Zini have higher intensity of flooding. Glyans have the highest level of physical resilience.


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