Obstacles to the development of production cooperatives in border areas with a social and economic approach

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor, Department of Management , payame Noor University (PNU), Tehran,Iran


Obstacles to the development of production cooperatives in border areas with a social and economic approach

The purpose of this study is to identify, explain and measure the obstacles to the development of production cooperatives in border areas with a social and economic approach. This research is quantitative and its nature and purpose are practical and in terms of data collection is also a survey. In this study, 25 obstacles were identified regarding the underdevelopment of production cooperatives at the borders. which after using factor analysis, the Kaiser criterion was used to determine the number of factors. Based on this criterion, 4 factors(Individual, social and cultural factors, administrative and supportive factors, financial and economic factors, security and political factors) with a specific value of more than 1 were identified and identified as extractable factors. According to the statistical indicators using the main factor analysis method, these 4 factors could explain a total of %92.672 of the total variance of the variables. The results showed that Individual, social and cultural factors with a total factor load of 6.055, administrative and supportive factors with a total factor load of 4.711, financial and economic factors with a total factor load of 2.928 and security and political factors with a total factor load of 1.407, Respectively, the most important obstacles are the development of production cooperatives at the borders. Therefore, it is suggested that for the development of production cooperatives in border areas, given the specific conditions of these areas, a multidimensional perspective should be considered.

Keywords: Production, economic and social cooperatives, border, village, development


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