factors in not following the sustainable development of rural areas of Zabol County from the principles of land use planning

Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD Student, Department of Geography and Urban Planning, Zahedan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Zahedan, Iran

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Geography and Urban Planning, Zahedan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Zahedan, Iran


Land use planning, through the regulation of human relations with the environment, creates appropriate development and sustainability, and by creating harmony between humans and the environment, the need to recognize ecological potentials and evaluate them. The ultimate goal of all planning in the form of land use planning is to achieve sustainable development, regional balance, proper distribution of activities and maximum use of environmental capabilities in the process of regional development. In this regard, the purpose of this study is set of effective factors in not following the sustainable development of rural areas of Zabol County from the principles of land use planning (qualitative research). In terms of purpose, the present study is a part of basic research and has a descriptive nature, and in terms of method, it is in the group of qualitative research. It is a tool for gathering information (library and field (interview)). The statistical population of the present study includes experts (district heads, villagers and village managers of Zabol County) that in the framework of the final theoretical saturation using purposive sampling, 15 people were selected as the sample size. To analyze the information, the method of Grounded theory (Foundation Data Theory) has been used. From the results of interviews with experts to identify the set of effective factors in not following the sustainable development of villages in Zabol County from the principles of land use planning using the grounded theory method, 37 concepts and 13 semantic units and 6 categories (Lack of integrated and systematic plan, incoherent land use planning models, programs and goals formulated in a qualitative manner, lack of integrated and coherent management, monolithic political structure, lack of public participation) were extracted.


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