Transformations of man-made spaces in Lashtnesha Area

Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Geography, School of Geography, Kharazmi University

2 Professor of Geography and Rural Planning, Faculty of Geographical Sciences, Kharazmi University, Tehran, Iran

3 Associate at geography and rural planning, kharazmi university, Tehran, Iran


The globalization of the economy, political, social and economic developments in societies and human interventions in the natural environment have led to the Transformations of various types of natural spaces, agricultural spaces and man-made spaces.The purpose of this study is to investigate the extent and causes of Transformations in man-made space in the Lashtnesha Area.Qualitative inductive research strategy, method of collecting documentary and field data and to study the historical developments of written and oral sources were examined.Spatial Transformations was studied through satellite imagery in the Google Earth engine and edited based on field information in the ArcGIS environment.26 samples were prepared for targeted interviews from local informants and 43 images and a video of the conditions of the region and for the analysis of all data, the qualitative method of grounded theory and ATLAS.ti software were used.According to the findings, natural spaces in the region decreased, rice increased until 1996 and then decreased, for gardens in 1996 decreased then increased and man-made spaces increased throughout the period.These Transformations were influenced by the past and its historical context and based on demographic changes, land ownership and inheritance law, along with elements such as the effects of the global economy, policy-making of governments and institutions, institutional change, dysfunctional institutions, the system of regulation and rewards, the atmosphere of uncertainty, production and uncertainty. The competitiveness of productive activities in the study area has led to the expansion of real estate capitalism and commercial and service constructions, which indicates the expansion of unproductive capitalism, the lack of complete formation of capitalist cycles. The dominant motivational structure in the area, due to historical experience, daily problems and non-indigenous knowledge, directed the mental structures and beliefs of the people towards the sale of land.


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