the role of insurance of strategic agricultural products on economic ـ social development of rural areas (Case Study: Guilan province)

Document Type : Original Article


1 Master of Accounting, Head of Credits, Shanderman Branch, Keshavarzi Bank, Shanderman, Iran

2 Master of Accounting, Head of the branch, Shanderman Branch, Keshavarzi Bank, Shanderman, Iran

3 Faculty member of Accounting and Economics Department, Astara Branch, Islamic Azad University, Astara, Iran


Insurance of strategic agricultural products is one of the risk management mechanisms that is of special importance and necessity in the agricultural conditions of Iran, for social, economic, climatic reasons. In the meantime, considering the more than three decades of activity of the Agricultural Insurance Fund and the government's supportive policies and strategies, In this regard, the purpose of this study is the role of insurance of strategic agricultural products in the economic and social development of villages in Guilan province. Descriptive and analytical research methods are also consistent with library, documentary and field studies, The sample population was three types of villages (mountainous and foothill, plain, coastal) which were determined based on random sampling of 380 people. SPSS software and WASPAS model were also used to analyze the data. The results showed that the highest number of insured agricultural products is in the plain type, also among the strategic products of the region: the highest amount of insurance is in the strategic crop of rice, and Also, due to the successive natural hazards in the province, most farmers have insured their crops against potential hazards. The results showed that educational and promotional factors, economic, social, institutional are effective in increasing the motivation of farmers to insure their products. Among these factors, educational and promotional factor was recognized as the most important factor, and subsequently, a significant and positive relationship was observed between insurance of strategic agricultural products and economic and social development of rural areas of Guilan province at a significant level of 0.000. Finally, the spatial analysis of the three types of villages studied based on economic and social development and emphasizing the role of insurance of strategic agricultural products showed that the type of lowland villages has the highest rate of economic and social development.


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