The Effects Analysis of tourism on the host community in rural areas (Case study:Tamin village in Mirjaveh County)

Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Geography and Urban Planning, Faculty of Geography and Environmental Planning, Sistan and Baluchestan University, Zahedan, Iran

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Geography and Rural Planning, Faculty of Geography and Environmental Planning, Sistan and Baluchestan University, Zahedan, Iran .


The goal of rural tourism is to develop the local economy and improve the living standards of local communities. Tourism development can have an impact on the host community. Knowing them and how to evaluate the effects is very important in order to deal with them, both positively and negatively. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effects of tourism in different dimensions on the host community in Tamin village. The present research is applied in terms of purpose and in terms of nature and method of descriptive-analytical work, which has been done in two ways: library study and field survey. The statistical population of the study consists of local people of Tamin village, which according to the statistics of 2016, its population was 762 people. Cochran's formula was used to select the sample size, by which 256 people were selected as the sample size. To analyze the research findings, one-sample t-test and multivariate regression analysis were used. The results of one-sample t-test showed that the economic index with an average of 3.109, social index 3.178, environmental index 3.053 and physical index with an average of 3.178 is higher than the average and tourism improves the situation of these dimensions It is secured in the village. Also, the results of multivariate regression showed that tourism had the greatest impact on the economic and physical dimensions with beta values of 0.362 and 0.302, respectively; And the lowest effect with beta coefficient of 0.157 was on the social dimension and environmental dimension with beta coefficient of 0.234.


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