Spatial analysis of social-economic effects of weekly markets in order to sustain rural areas (Case study: Sumeh Sara County)

Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD Student in Geography and Rural Planning, Astara Branch, Islamic Azad University, Astara, Iran

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Geography, Astara Branch, Islamic Azad University, Astara, Iran


Weekly markets have long been popular in many villages and is one of the main characteristics of many villages. The purpose of this study is to investigate the spatial analysis of weekly markets based on the sustainability of rural areas of Somehsara County. Necessary information and data were collected from library and field sources, The research tool is a questionnaire and its validity was confirmed by experts. FARAS, WASPAS and FVIKOR models were also used to analyze the data. The results showed the ranking of economic and social criteria using the fuzzy ARS model, In the economic dimension, the components of income with a weight of 0.497, increase of business with a weight of 0.465, employment with a weight of 0.461, increase of investment with a weight of 0.446, respectively in the social dimension, respectively. Components of increasing family relationship with a weight of 0.476, reducing migration with a weight of 0.468, social status with a weight of 0.454, promotion of indigenous culture with a weight of 0.431, have the highest and lowest ranks. have given. The results of weekly market rankings with emphasis on the dimensions of sustainability using the Wasps model showed, In the economic dimension, weekly markets (Gorab Zarmikh, Hindkhaleh, (Sheikh Mahalla) Kasma, Taher Gorab (Abater), Hindkhaleh (Tolm Shahr), Ziaber, Taher Gorab), respectively, and in the social dimension, respectively, weekly markets (Gorab Zarmikh) , Hindkhaleh (Sheikh Mahalla), Kasma, Hindkhaleh (Tolm Shahr), Taher Gorab (Abater), Taher Gorab), have the highest and lowest ranks. Finally, in order to spatially analyze the villages of Somehsara city with emphasis on the dimensions of stability, the fuzzy Vicor model was used. The results showed that Kasma villages with a weight of 0.254 had the highest rank and Taher Gorab village with a weight of 0.050 had the lowest rank.


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