Determinants of welfare and quality of life of rural residents (Case study: villages of Varzeqan County)

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor of Architecture & Urban Planning, Young Researchers and Elite Club, Tabriz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz, Iran

2 Assistant Professor of Faculty of Architectural Engineering and Urbanism. Shahrood University of Technology. Shahrood. Iran.


Promoting rural life The main goal of agricultural jihad and national development policies is to achieve sustainable development. One of the key aspects for the success of these policies is the possibility of monitoring the quality of life in all its social, economic and environmental dimensions and requires the implementation of tools that can identify the main dimensions of human satisfaction but this is very complex. People in the Rurales of Varzeqan township are based on the basic components with reference to the theory of "age" capabilities to prevent the abandonment of Rurales. The research is descriptive and observational through a questionnaire. The statistical population of the study is the population of 10 selected Rurales in Varzeqan township. The sample size was 372 based on Cochran's formula. For data analysis of structural equations by heuristic and second-order factor method was performed using Amos and Spss software. The results show that the main determinants of well-being in terms of individual perceptions are economic conditions, security, environmental quality and educational opportunities. Welfare conditions in the Rurales of Khoinrood, Vanestan, and Chai Kennedy Khairuddin are very low, while in contrast, the Rurales of Verdin and Kasin offer the highest levels of welfare in the Varzeqan region. Focusing on the Rural of Khoinrood, we can see that this area offers the lowest values for the three main dimensions of the four main dimensions of welfare, which seems remarkable. As a result, to prevent the abandonment and emptiness of Rurales, double attention should be paid to the level of welfare and quality of life of rural residents.


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