The Explantion of Tourism Benefits System Distribution Rezvanshahr Rural Area

Document Type : Original Article


PhD in Geography and Rural Planning, Kharazmi University, Tehran, Iran


Tourism can be considered as a special activity in the modern and postmodern era, which has the potential of significant capacity building in tourist spaces. In this regard, the present study has been compiled with the aim of explaining the system of distribution of tourism benefits in rural settlements of Rezvanshahr city. The research is applied in terms of purpose and descriptive-analytical in terms of method. The studied geographical area includes rural settlements in Rezvanshahr area. Using multi-stage cluster sampling method, three types of villages (plain, coastal and foothills) were identified. Data needed to analyze and answer questions of achievement in the local community, from semi-structured interviews with four groups of villagers, tourism trustees and planners, tourism business owners and local managers, as well as through completion A researcher-made questionnaire was obtained. In data analysis, a qualitative method and GIS software have been used. Data analysis and inference of necessary information has been done by Depot and Guiltin thematic analysis method. Findings showed that first, 16 benefits were identified in five general categories in the study area. Also, nine benefits in three general categories were identified for owners of production tools and finally six benefits in one general category were identified for labor owners. Second; Comparison of the absorption of benefits from tourism in rural areas of the studied types showed that the amount of quantitative value of economic indicators affected by tourism is higher in the type of mountainous / mountainous villages, as well as comparing the absorption of benefits in the studied strata (owners of production tools and labor owners) It showed that not everyone has the same share of benefits and that the owners of the means of production (capitalists) get more benefits than the owners of the labor force in the study area.


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