Analysis and study of the role of effective factors of entrepreneurship in the agricultural sector in the development of rural areas (Case study: Rashtkhar village)

Document Type : Original Article


1 - PhD student in Geography and Rural Planning,Sistan and BaluchestanUniversity, Zahedan, Iran

2 Associate Professor, Department of Human Geography, Faculty of Geography and Environmental Planning, Sistan and Baluchestan University, Zahedan, Iran.


Today, strengthening entrepreneurship and creating a suitable environment for its development is one of the tools of economic development of countries, especially developing countries. Because entrepreneurial activities with high effectiveness lead to economic development (job creation, innovation in activities and competitiveness). In this regard, entrepreneurship in rural areas is a new solution in development theories for empowerment and capacity building in rural areas in order to achieve rural development. Therefore, considering the necessity and importance of the issue, the present study was conducted with the aim of analyzing and examining the role of effective entrepreneurship factors in the agricultural sector in order to develop rural areas of Rashtkhar district. This research is of an applied type that has been used in a descriptive-analytical manner to investigate the studied parameters. In this regard, the factors affecting entrepreneurship in 319 rural households living in 13 villages with more than 100 households in this district were studied. For this purpose, at first, in addition to documentary studies and initial field visits, a wide range of indicators were determined. Then, data were collected based on selected indicators and using a household questionnaire. The validity of the questionnaire was examined by experts. The validity coefficient of the questionnaire was equal to 0.77. In order to analyze the data, statistical analysis and Expert choice software, SPSS have been used. Findings indicate that, among the studied dimensions, personal factors (46.603) has the highest rank. On the other hand, the research findings show that among the studied villages in Rashtkhar sub-district of Fatehabad village, the highest impact factor (0.050) compared to other villages has the level of factors affecting entrepreneurship in the agricultural sector and also the village Fatah Abad is in the first place in terms of effective dimensions of rural development (0.047).


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