Analysis of obstacles to sustainability of rural production in Central District of Boshrouyeh County

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor of Geography and Rural Planning,University of Birjand , Birjand, Iran.

2 M.A. student of Geography and Rural Planning, University of Birjand, Birjand, Iran.


Economic problems are one of the main reasons for fundamental weaknesses in villages. Production and productivity have been always extremely important in rural economy, and villages have been recognized as the hub of production. Although in Iran the government has put a lot of effort into management and development of rural centers and has also allocated a large budget to them, rural economy still faces considerable challenges such as underdevelopment and weakness in production. The purpose of the present research was to identify the present status of economic and productive activities in Boshrouyeh villages and to determine the main obstacles to development and stability of the production system in the villages under study, adopting a spatial approach. The results indicated that in the eight villages studied, there are 28 obstacles to the development and stability of the production system. Some of these obstacles date back to the time of “land form” and are highly established in rural societies, the most important ones being “the existence of a lot of small landowners and small areas of land”. The other category of obstacles refers to the illogical performance of the planning system with regard to production and rural economy. Generally speaking, decline in production in villages has been intensified due to natural conditions. However, the planning system has not been successful in supporting developmental projects. The continuance of the present condition will result in more instability of rural productive system high negative consequences.


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