The role of rural tourism in sustainable development of southwestern slopes of Binalud

Document Type : Original Article


1 Associate Professor of Geomorphology, Hakim Sabzevari University, Sabzevar, Iran.

2 Assistant Professor of Geomorphology, Hakim Sabzevari University, Sabzevar, Iran.

3 PhD student in Geomorphology, Hakim Sabzevari University, Sabzevar, Iran.


Tourism can decrease heavy pressure of population growth and growing use of biological resources by humans. Tourism capabilities of geographical areas can create jobs for some citizens and control and alleviate extremely high pressure of using water resources, soil erosion, lack of vegetation, and flood. In the present archival research, a survey was conducted, and tools such as satellite images, numerous maps of the region, and models of sites’ analysis (e.g. Prolong, 2005 & Komansko, 2011) were used for data analysis. The region under study had an area of 1229 km2 along the north and northwest of Firouzeh and Neyshabur. The results of the analysis shows the existence of a lot of tourism sites in the region, including numerous natural sites, cultural sites, economic sites, and human tourism, indicating the high potential of the regions and the importance of tourism planning. Generally, more than 90 tourism sites were selected and studied in the region. Based on field studies, observation, interview with informants, experts, educated people, and related offices and organizations, it seems that preliminary steps have been taken for tourism development in the region, but it needs more attention and planning in future. Specific tourism attractions such as Turquoise Mine (dating back to more than 7000 years ago), Bar Waterfall, stepped subterranean canals, and tens of sites and geographical natural phenomena have given the region unique features, which can attract tourists from other provinces and even other countries.


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