Prioritization of spatial economic activities to enhance sustainable rural development (Case study: villages of Quchan County)

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor, of Management,, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, University of Birjand, Birjand,, Iran


Developmental policies need to be addressed at regional and local levels due to a wide range of specific conditions. Some economic activities have to be changed to make prospects of sustainable development match regional and local criteria, for example in rural areas. Therefore, the suitability of regional activities depends on determining the actual needs of each region. In this study, four main categories of economic activities in Quchan were selected via eliciting the views of the stakeholders as decision-makers. Three criteria, i.e. income stability for economic stability, environmental stability, and extent and networking of activities, were identified for social stability. Having conducted the research based on fuzzy hierarchical analysis, the highest weight was assigned to income stability followed by indices of environmental stability and social stability. Finally, the activities related to industrial grape conversion were ranked as the first priority for stable activities in the region, while dairy products industries, production of medicinal plants, and ecotourism occupied the next priorities respectively.


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