Analysis of the relationship between demographic factors and employment situation in the agricultural sector (Case study: villages of Isfahan province)
Rural development depends on improvement in different factors, one of the most important ones being job creation. Job creation has become increasingly important in the last decades because villages have been facing many challenges including migration, inequality, and population evacuation. Most of these problems and challenges are rooted in unemployment and lack of sustainable jobs. A lot of factors influence job creation, demographic indices being one of them. The main purpose of the present research was to investigate the demographic factors influencing employment in the agricultural sector in the villages of Isfahan province. The methodology applied was descriptive-analytical, based on organizational statistics about rural employment in Isfahan. EViews 10 was used for the analysis based on a logarithmic regression equation consisting of literacy rate, the number of immigrants, net dependency burden, and active population, and the dummy variable was the rate of welcome of villagers to participatory projects in the agricultural sector. The results indicated that each 1% increase in literacy rate of villages, reduces employment in the agricultural sector by 0.5%. This shows unscientific and traditional methods of agriculture in the villages selected. Furthermore, 1 percent increase in immigration from Isfahan villages reduces employment in the agricultural sector by 0.06%. The results also indicate that 1% increase in net dependency burden decreases agricultural employment in the region by 0.5%, and 1% increase in the active population increases agricultural employment by 0.64%. The percentage approves that 65% of the villagers work in the agricultural sector in Isfahan. The positive dummy variable coefficient estimated shows that 1% increase in villagers’ welcome to participatory projects increases agricultural employment by 0.6%. The main reason for this is, implementing participatory projects creates new jobs and results in increasing value added in the agricultural sector.
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Haddad, M. and sadeghi, H. O. (2020). Analysis of the relationship between demographic factors and employment situation in the agricultural sector (Case study: villages of Isfahan province). Village and Space Sustainable Development, 1(3), 83-94. doi: 10.22077/vssd.2021.3987.1017
Haddad, M. , and sadeghi, H. O. . "Analysis of the relationship between demographic factors and employment situation in the agricultural sector (Case study: villages of Isfahan province)", Village and Space Sustainable Development, 1, 3, 2020, 83-94. doi: 10.22077/vssd.2021.3987.1017
Haddad, M., sadeghi, H. O. (2020). 'Analysis of the relationship between demographic factors and employment situation in the agricultural sector (Case study: villages of Isfahan province)', Village and Space Sustainable Development, 1(3), pp. 83-94. doi: 10.22077/vssd.2021.3987.1017
M. Haddad and H. O. sadeghi, "Analysis of the relationship between demographic factors and employment situation in the agricultural sector (Case study: villages of Isfahan province)," Village and Space Sustainable Development, 1 3 (2020): 83-94, doi: 10.22077/vssd.2021.3987.1017
Haddad, M., sadeghi, H. O. Analysis of the relationship between demographic factors and employment situation in the agricultural sector (Case study: villages of Isfahan province). Village and Space Sustainable Development, 2020; 1(3): 83-94. doi: 10.22077/vssd.2021.3987.1017