Spatial Distribution of Sustainable Rural Development Infrastructure in Nehbandan

Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD student in Geography and Rural Planning, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran.

2 Master of Geography and Rural Planning, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran.


Applying criteria and quantitative methods for rating settlements in the spatial system of areas not only identifies the difference between settlements but also provides a criterion for identifying the centrality, determining the range of services needed, and adjusting the inequality between settlements. The purpose of the research was to rate dual sections of rural areas of Nehbandan in terms of enjoying rural facilities and services. The method applied was descriptive-analytical. The results indicated that from among the two sections of Nehbandan, the rural areas of the central section enjoy more services and equal distribution of services compared with the other section. Therefore, the model of spatial distribution of infrastructure shows the growth pole and accumulation of facilities in the central section. Therefore, it is important that the villages located in Shusf, i.e. the settlements around the center, be prioritized in rural planning.


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